
Sanitiarium – Better Brekkie

Case Study

Impact PR was asked to develop a PR campaign for Sanitarium’s Better Brekkie for the third year running. With no new ‘news’, the same recipes and no new visual assets the task was set! We decided we needed to create some news. Spurred on by bestseller “The Gift of Failure” on why modern parents were rendering their kids useless. We went ahead and investigated if this was the case in NZ with some independent market research, turns out, Kiwi kids lacked basic life-skills like making their own bed or their own breakfast. We were able to utilise Sanitarium Better Brekkie assets including videos and recipes to get kids inspired! We used a local psychologist as our spokesperson to talk about the terrible effect that having poor life-skills as a child can have on adult life, which can lead to fear around bigger decisions and a lack of confidence. Internationally acclaimed chef Michael Van de Elzen was on hand to help with Better Brekkie recipes and advice for families wanting to make a healthy start to the day. 

ROI 21:1  |  Impressions 12M

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