The Dangers of Over-Editing: Avoiding the “Frankenstein Effect” in Press Releases

In the world of public relations, clarity and consistency are key to delivering a powerful message. Whether it’s a press release, blog, or media statement, written content needs to maintain a unified tone and intent. However, too often, a press release is passed through multiple hands before reaching its final form. This can lead to what we at Impact PR refer to as the “Frankenstein effect”—a document that has been edited so many times by so many people that it becomes a disjointed collection of ideas, far from its original intent.

This disconnection is a common issue faced by companies working with PR agencies in Auckland and beyond. The desire to seek input from multiple stakeholders, while well-meaning, often creates a piece of content that feels mismatched, confusing, or overly complex. In this article, we’ll explore the pitfalls of having multiple people review and edit a press release, how the Frankenstein effect comes into play, and why a streamlined approach with fewer reviewers can help retain the cohesiveness of the original message.

What Is the “Frankenstein Effect”?

The “Frankenstein effect” refers to the outcome of content that has been edited and re-edited by numerous individuals, often with conflicting perspectives. The result is a patchwork of ideas and styles that no longer reflects the original concept or tone. Just like Frankenstein’s monster, made up of mismatched parts, a press release that undergoes excessive revision can end up feeling disconnected and lacking a clear voice.

In public relations, especially when crafting press releases, it’s crucial that the content tells a clear, consistent story. The press release is often the first introduction the media, and by extension the public, has to your message. It needs to be compelling and professional. When too many people get involved in the editing process, the final draft can lose its impact, with sentences rewritten to reflect various preferences, leading to an unclear narrative that may leave the reader unsure of the main point.

The Risks of Over-Editing

While collaboration and feedback are important, the over-editing of content presents significant risks. At Impact PR, we’ve seen firsthand how excessive revisions can affect a brand’s message. Here are a few key risks associated with having too many editors involved:

Loss of Clarity
When multiple people contribute to the editing process, the original intent of the press release can be diluted. Each editor may have a different interpretation of the message, which leads to changes that, while well-intentioned, can obscure the clarity of the content. The final version can become a confusing mix of ideas, losing the straightforward and impactful message that the original writer intended.

Inconsistent Tone and Voice
Maintaining a consistent brand voice is critical in public relations. It helps build trust with your audience and ensures that your messaging is recognisable across different platforms. However, when too many people edit the content, the tone can shift, resulting in inconsistencies. For instance, one editor might prefer formal language, while another opts for a more conversational tone. The end result is a press release that feels unbalanced and lacking in cohesion.

Delays in the Approval Process
Efficiency is key when dealing with time-sensitive content like press releases. The longer a press release takes to finalise, the more likely you are to miss critical news cycles or media opportunities. Multiple rounds of editing involving various stakeholders can significantly delay the process, causing unnecessary bottlenecks. This is particularly problematic for businesses in fast-moving markets like Auckland, where staying ahead of the news cycle is crucial.

Editing for the Sake of Editing
When too many people are involved, some may feel obliged to make changes simply to leave their mark, rather than because the changes improve the content. This often results in unnecessary revisions that complicate the original message. Instead of refining the press release, these edits can make the content less focused and more convoluted, steering it away from its primary purpose.

The Case for a Streamlined Review Process

At Impact PR, we advocate for a client model where fewer people review and edit written content, especially press releases. This approach ensures that the final version retains its cohesiveness, consistency, and impact. Here’s why fewer editors can lead to better results:

Cohesiveness in Message
A press release needs to present a unified narrative. When fewer people are involved in the editing process, there’s less room for conflicting ideas and perspectives. This allows the content to stay focused on the main message, ensuring that the final version is cohesive and easy to understand. A single editor or a small team that understands the brand can make refinements that enhance, rather than detract from, the original draft.

Consistency in Brand Voice
Your brand’s voice is a key part of its identity, and it should be reflected in every piece of content. By limiting the number of editors, you’re more likely to maintain a consistent tone throughout the press release. This consistency helps build brand recognition and strengthens your relationship with your audience. At Impact PR, we work closely with clients to ensure their brand voice is reflected accurately in every piece of communication, from press releases to blog posts.

Faster Turnaround Times
A streamlined editing process means fewer delays. With only a select group of editors involved, feedback can be gathered more quickly, and decisions can be made efficiently. This is particularly important for time-sensitive content, such as press releases, where being the first to announce news can give your business a competitive edge in the market.

Trusting the Experts at Impact PR

When working with PR agencies in Auckland, it’s essential to partner with a team that understands the importance of a streamlined, efficient editing process. At Impact PR, we specialise in crafting compelling press releases that deliver your message with clarity and precision. Our experienced team knows how to write and edit content that not only captures your brand’s voice but also resonates with your target audience.

Rather than involving too many stakeholders in the editing process, we believe in keeping things simple. Our client model involves close collaboration with a small, dedicated team that works with you to ensure the press release stays true to your original vision while making necessary improvements. This approach guarantees that the content is professional, polished, and delivered on time.

Why PR Agencies in Auckland Should Avoid the Frankenstein Effect

The Auckland market is dynamic and competitive, with businesses constantly vying for media attention. In this fast-paced environment, the clarity and cohesiveness of your messaging are critical. A press release that has been subject to the Frankenstein effect—where too many people have contributed to its downfall—will fail to make the necessary impact. By adopting a model that limits the number of editors, you ensure that your press release remains focused, professional, and effective.

In public relations, quality is always more important than quantity when it comes to edits. Fewer editors mean fewer chances for your content to be muddled or delayed. This streamlined approach helps your brand stand out in Auckland’s crowded PR landscape, ensuring that your message is delivered clearly and concisely.

Simplify Your Press Release Process with Impact PR

Over-editing can ruin a press release, transforming it into a confusing, disjointed piece of content that no longer serves its original purpose. The Frankenstein effect is a real risk for any business, particularly in Auckland’s fast-moving public relations industry. By working with PR agencies in Auckland that understand the value of a streamlined editing process, you can avoid these pitfalls and ensure that your press release remains cohesive and effective.

Is writing a press release still overwhelming? We can help! Call us today on (+64) 9 575 2722.

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